Trade Mark Forms
Print, complete, sign (as needed) and return to our office. Forms are available in PDF and Word format. All forms must be printed on letter-size paper.
Trade Mark Forms
- Request to Appoint an Agent/Representative (T.M.1) / word format
- Application (T.M.2) / word format
- Request for Grounds of Decision (T.M.3) / word format
- Request to Divide an Application for Registration (T.M.4) / word format
- Filing of Regulations Governing the use of a Collective Mark or Certification Mark (T.M.5) / word format
- Notice of Opposition (T.M.6) / word format
- Counter-Statement (T.M.7) / word format
- Notice to the Controller of Attendance at Hearing (T.M.8) / word format
- Application for Renewal of Registration (T.M.9) / word format
- Assent by Personal Representatives or Order of the Court or Other Competent Authority (T.M.10) / word format
- Application for Restoration and Renewal of Registration Removed from the Register (T.M.11) / word format
- Application to Register a Change of Ownership (T.M.12) / word format
- Late Application for Renewal (T.M.13) / word format
- Request to Change the Name, or Other Particulars of Applicant for Registration, Proprietor or Other Interested Person (T.M.14) / word format
- Application to Amend the Specification, Class Number or the Priority Claim of a Trade Mark Application or Registration (T.M.15) / word format
- Application to Amend a Trade Mark Application or Registration or Correct a Mistake (T.M. 16) / word format
- Application for Revocation or Declaration of Invalidity of Registration f Trade Mark or Protection of a Protected International Trade Mark In Trinidad And Tobago; or Rectification Of The Register By Persons other than the Proprietor of the Trade Mark (T.M.17) / word format
- Application to Intervene in Proceedings (T.M.18) / word format
- Application to Amend the Regulations Governing the use of a Collective Mark or Certification Mark (T.M.19) / word format
- Notice to Cancel a Registration (T.M.20) / word format
- Notice of Partial Cancellation of the Specification of Goods or Services for which the Mark is Registered (T.M21) / word format
- Request by Registered Proprietor of Trade Mark for Entry of Disclaimer or Limitation in the Register (T.M.22) / word format
- Request by Registered Proprietor for Entry on the Register of a Note of a Certificate of Validity by the Court Under Section 118 of the Act (T.M.23) / word format
- Application to Register a Licensee (T.M.24) / word format
- Application to Amend Licensee (T.M.25) / word format
- Application to Remove a Licensee (T.M.26) / word format
- Request for Reinstatement (T.M.27) / word format
- Request for Controller’s General Certificate (T.M.28) / word format
- Notice Of Order Of Court For Alteration Or Rectification Of Register Of Register (T.M.29) / word format
- Application to Register the Grant, Amendment or Termination of Security Interest or Memorandum Relating to the Trade Mark (T.M.30) / word format
- Request for Extension of Time (T.M.31) / word format
- Request for Extension of Time to File Statutory Declaration (T.M.32) / word format