How to Search for a Trade Mark
How to Search for a Trade Mark.
Before applying for a Trade Mark registration, you should conduct a search to see if there are any identical or similar marks, already being used by other traders, which may affect the likelihood of your trade mark being registered. A search will disclose both registered and pending trade marks.
How much does it cost?
There is no cost for a general search of the Trade Mark Indices however, if details of a specific trade mark are required, the cost is $50.00 per trade mark.
The Trade Mark Indices will contain a record of all the applications filed. The Indices are divided according to the Nice Classification of Goods and Services. Applicants will need to confer with a Trade Mark Examiner who will advise the applicant of the class(es) that his application relates to. A list of the Nice Classification of Goods and Services is also attached to the front of the Trade Mark Indices.
The indices will contain the name of the trade mark together with the application number assigned. If upon searching the indices, you find a specific application for which further particulars are required, a request for further particulars of the relevant trade mark must be made at the Receiving Office of the Intellectual Property Office.
Applicants will be required to complete a search request voucher and pay the prescribed fee of $50.00 for each trade mark record that they require.
Trade Mark Search Guide – Identify the specific class of the Nice Classification that you need to search prior to searching.