Registrar General Civil Registry
The Civil Registry ensures that the administration of justice functions speedily, efficiently and effectively and provides reasonable access to justice for all persons irrespective of their means. We ensure that the island’s most vital occurrences are recorded.
Registration of Births
Provide information to the District Registrar located nearest to where child was born within three (3) months of birth of child.
Documents Required:
- ID of informant.
- Letter/card from Hospital.
- Birth certificate of parents.
- If parents are married, marriage certificate should be presented.
Client days: Monday – Sunday Service hours: All reasonable hours.
Approval for Late Registration of Birth (after three months)
Late registration refers to after three (3) months of birth but before one (1) year.
Documents Required:
- ID of informant.
- Letter/card from hospital.
- Birth certificate of parents.
- If parents are married, marriage certificate should be presented.
- Immunization card.
$20.00 to District Registrar.
$50.00 to Warden’s Office.
Contact the District Registrar located nearest to where child was born.
Need for current affidavits in support.
Approval for Late Registration of Birth (after one year)
This service refers to registration after one (1) year of birth.
Obtain information from Civil Registry, Registrar General’s Department, Registration House or from the District Registrar located nearest to where child was born.
Documents Required:
- Letter from hospital stating date of birth of child and name of parent.
- Statutory declaration from applicant giving particulars of birth and reason for non-registration of same.
- Immunization card.
- Letter from school first attended.
- Birth certificate(s) of child/ children born before or after birth to be registered.
- If parents are married, marriage certificate should be presented.
If Birth Was At Home:
- Immunization card.
- If parents are married, marriage certificate should be presented.
- Birth certificates of all children before and after birth to be registered.
- Identification of applicant.
- Letter from school stating the date of birth given at time of entry to school.
- Baptismal certificate (where applicable).
- Affidavit from mother/father or person having charge of child stating reason for non-registration of the birth.
- Affidavit from a person present at birth e.g. aunt, grandmother, midwife.
- Affidavit from prominient person in the area where child was born, e.g. Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, Priest, Pundit, Police Officer.
$25.00 to District Registrar.
$75.00 to Warden Officer.
Insertion of Father’s Name on the Birth Certificate After Birth was Registered
Documents Required:
- Birth certificate of the child.
- Marriage certificate of mother.
- Valid, photo ID of the parents.
Apply at Civil Registry, the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs, AGLA Tower, Government Plaza, corner of London & Richmond Streets, Port of Spain or Caribana Building, Bacolet Street Scarborough, Tobago.
Minimum Cost/Fee per child: $75.00.
Cost includes replacement of birth certificate.
This service is available by appointment based on your personal visit with your documents.
Publication of Marriage Banns for the City of Port of Spain
Provide information at the Civil Registry of the Registrar General’s Department, the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs, AGLA Tower, Government Plaza, corner of London & Richmond Streets, Port of Spain.
Documents Required:
- Valid ID of parties.
- Original divorce absolute or death certificate of previous spouse and certified translation thereto, if applicable.
Time-frame for delivery:
1 day. Cost/Fee: $10.00
Issue of Marriage Licence Certificates
Obtain from Marriage Clerk, Civil Registry of the Registrar General’s Department, the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs, AGLA Tower, Government Plaza, corner of London & Richmond Streets, Port of Spain after banns are published.
Time-frame for delivery:
Seven days after publication excluding date Banns were posted.
Cost/Fee: $10.00
Renewal of Marriage Officer’s Licences
This service is provided only in Port of Spain at the Office of the Solicitor General Tower C, International Waterfront Centre, 1A Wrightson Road
Cost/Fee: $100.00 – Payable at the cashier at the Office of the Chief State Solicitor Tower C, International Waterfront Centre, 1A Wrightson Road
Issue of President’s Licence
A President’s License waives the requirement for both persons getting married to post marriage banns.
An application is made at the Civil Registry, the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs, AGLA Tower, Government Plaza, corner of London & Richmond Streets, Port of Spain or Caribana Building, Bacolet Street Scarborough, Tobago.
- Both parties must be resident in Trinidad and Tobago for seven (7) days prior to the date of application.
- Both parties must appear before Marriage Clerk.
Documents Required:
- Valid ID of both parties.
- Original divorce absolute or death certificate of previous spouse and certified translation thereto, if applicable.
- Letter explaining why such a Licence is required.
Time-frame for delivery:
Port of Spain: Approximately 3 days.
Tobago : Approximately 7 days.
Cost/Fee: $100.00
Application for President’s Authority
The President’s Authority waives the requirement for a person living abroad, who intends to marry a resident/national, to post his/her marriage banns.
- Put up marriage notice at Warden’s Office nearest to where the resident lives. Cost/fee: $10.00.
- Seven days later obtain copy from Warden’s Office – then visit Marriage Clerk, Civil Registry of the Registrar General’s Department, the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs, AGLA Tower, Government Plaza, corner of London & Richmond Streets, Port of Spain for guidelines.
- Complete and sign Application Forms at Civil Registry. Cost/fee: $100.00.
- Return approximately 3 days (if in Trinidad ) and 7 days (if in Tobago) later for President’s Authority.
- Take President’s Authority to Warden’s Office and Marriage Licence will be issued. Cost/fee: $10.00.
Documents Required:
- Valid ID of resident.
- Original divorce absolute or death certificate of previous spouse and certified translation thereto, if applicable.
- Copy of Marriage Notice from Warden’s Office.
- Statutory declaration witnessed by Notary Public from party residing abroad (precedent will be provided by Marriage Clerk).
Issue of Special Marriage Licence (Visitors)
To apply for a special marriage licence both parties must be non-residents of Trinidad and Tobago (i.e. not normally residing in Trinidad and Tobago; and for citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, they must not normally reside in Trinidad and Tobago for at least 3 years).
Documents Required:
- Valid ID of parties, preferably passport.
- Original divorce absolute or death certificate of previous spouse and certified translation thereto, if applicable.
- Proof of entry into Trinidad and Tobago.
Obtain at Civil Registry of the Registrar General’s Department, the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs, AGLA Tower, Government Plaza, corner of London & Richmond Streets, Port of Spain or District Warden’s Office. Cost/Fee: $300.00
Registration of Deaths
Register immediately at District Registrar located nearest to where the death occurred.
Documents required:
- Medical cause of death. Certificate from the attending doctor.
- valid, photo ID of informant.
- ID of deceased, if available.
- Birth certificate of deceased, if available.
Late Registration of Deaths
This refers to registration after one year of death.
Obtain information at Civil Registry of the Registrar General’s Department, the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs, AGLA Tower, Government Plaza, corner of London & Richmond Streets, Port of Spain or the District Registrar located nearest to where death occurred.
Documents Required:
- Medical cause of death. Certificate from the attending doctor.
- ID of informant.
- Affidavit stating reason for delay in registration of death.
- Other documents depending on facts of the case.