Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago

Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs

Office of The Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs > > Criminal Justice Unit > Domestic Violence Consultation Registration Portal

Domestic Violence Consultation Registration Portal

The Public Consultation on Domestic Violence – The Need for Greater Protection is being hosted by the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs (AGLA), led by the Criminal Justice Unit, and is part of Government’s prioritisation of the need to ensure greater protection for the victims of domestic violence. The scourge of domestic violence continues to plague our society, disproportionately affecting our women and girls.

This consultation seeks to bring together key stakeholders in the public, private, international and civil society space, to critically assess the deficiencies in the justice system in adequately responding to the needs of victims of domestic violence. The consultation will examine the varying roles and responsibilities of relevant state agencies and highlight the areas for immediate improvement. Key topics that will be the subject of assessment will include; policy and legislative interventions, law enforcement responses and handling of domestic violence cases, monitoring and evaluation of resources allocated to this cause and how effectively this has redounded to the benefit of victims, the rights of victims and their families, judicial responses and a roadmap for critical areas identified for improvement. Importantly, the voice of victims of domestic violence will be a critical feature of the discussions.

It is our desire that this consultation will uproot key deficiencies in the system and allow us to confront these challenges with proven solutions in order to eradicate this recurring societal crisis. The immediate objective is for stakeholders to ensure that domestic violence cases are not easily dismissed and that proper investigations and prosecutions are conducted to ensure the safety and protection of victims.

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