Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago

Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs

About the Anti-Terrorism Unit

Welcome to the Anti-Terrorism Unit

The Anti-Terrorism Unit (ATU), Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs was established by the Miscellaneous Provisions (Proceeds of Crime, Anti-Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago) Act No. 20 of 2018.

The Primary Function of the Anti-Terrorism Unit

The primary function of the ATU is to fulfil the obligation of the Attorney General pursuant to the Act. Section 38B(2) of the Act provides that the functions of the Attorney General under the Act may be exercised by the Attorney General in person or through a public officer or legal officer who is employed in the Unit.  The Core objective of the Anti-Terrorism Unit (ATU) is to efficiently carry out the functions of the Attorney General pursuant to the Anti-Terrorism Act, Chap. 12:07. Primarily, the ATU implements S 22B of the Act by making applications to the High Court for the designation of individuals and entities, both domestically and detailed on various United Nations Sanctions (UNSC) Lists, and the application of Targeted Financial Sanctions. The ATU also works closely with key national agencies relative to Counter Terrorism matters as well as with our international partners. Vital to the role of the ATU and the fulfilment of our obligations are the international standards in respect of terrorism imposed on Trinidad and Tobago as a member state of both the United Nations and Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF). In the execution its obligations, the ATU works closely with both the CFATF and FATF.


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